Weco Edge 450 Patternless
Edging System is a fully automatic and integrated tracing,
blocking & edging system. The Edge 450 is easy to learn,
simple to operate, and incredibly accurate. Set to cut, polish
and groove CR-39,
Poly & High Index lenses. The Weco Trace II
provides automatic stylus insertion and traces
frames and lenses easily and accurately! A and B, as well as
frame curve and tilt are recorded in true 3-D form. The Weco Cad
II provides lens layout, decentration and blocking with
absolute accuracy for all blocking procedures. Parallax free
image regardless of lens curve and optical power. Weco edgers
are truly built like no other. Weco sets the standard for long
lasting, precision built optical machinery used the world over. This system
is in immaculate condition and comes complete with leap
adapter, high power submersible coolant system and
Essilor Kappa SP is a computer-controlled, integrated lens
finishing system designed to grow with your business. It is a complete
system consisting of a tracing and blocking unit, and an automatic
patternless edger. The Kappa delivers a wide range of lens bevel and
groove options and offers unparalleled speed and accuracy.
The Kappa features the latest technology in frame tracing.
NEW, 4-D tracing software
provides the most precise frame tracing and lens mapping. The unique
4-D capability includes an exclusive frame groove measurement.
The enhanced software makes for easy lens processing, including finishing
of executive and small frame lenses. New, patented soft pin beveling
accommodates all lens sizes including small diameter lenses down to 24
millimeters. Automatic probing of the eye wire groove
profile ensures highly accurate sizes, decreases breakage and increases
Tracing, blocking and edging functions are fully-integrated. Digital
trace data is electronically transmitted from station to station as the
lens is processed, reducing errors. As production demand grows, up to five
Kappa or Gamma Edgers can be connected to a Kappa Tracer/Blocker,
increasing efficiency.
The Kappa automatically positions the stylus in the frame and traces
both eyes in less than 20 seconds, at the same time determining the frame
DBL. After tracing, the lens is placed in the blocker. A video camera
captures and displays an image of the lens, without parallax, along with
the frame shape. The operator aligns the lens and checks cutout. Block
application is motorized and fully automatic.
The Kappa has six automatic and controlled bevel options, as well as
lens grooving. In the Kappa Edger, probes map the contours of both
surfaces to determine lens curve, edge thickness and to calculate ideal
bevel or groove placement. Upon completion of lens mapping, a 3D
representation of the finished bevel or groove is shown on the screen,
allowing the user to view its position. Placement can be automatic or
modifications can be made.
Three groove widths are offered for improved fit. Kappa uses advanced
grooving design and computer control to precisely locate grooves on very
thin lenses. In addition, operators can probe the contour of the eye wire
groove. The probe records the profile of the eye wire groove and the Kappa
automatically adjusts the lens size. Measuring eye wire grooves eliminates
the practice of edging lenses oversized and re-edging them to fit.
The Kappa edges glass, CR39, hi-index and polycarbonate lenses. An
optional polishing wheel can impart a polished lens edge. The system
operates with a direct water hookup or a recirculating pump.
Wheel maintenance is automatic, reducing operator skill level. Using a
cleaning disk, Kappa controls the timing and pressure for consistent
Kappa tracks productivity by lens material, bevel type, groove, edge
polish or error record. Sophisticated diagnostics monitor and test system
functions including mechanical movements and motors.
Fully-automatic controls, a user-friendly interface, and an ergonomic
design make the Kappa extremely easy to use. The full color display
highlights icons to indicate available options. Regardless of equipment
knowledge, an employee can be trained in the basic operation of the Kappa
in as little as an hour.

Gerber Coburn Gamma Patternless
Edging System is a fully automatic and integrated tracing,
blocking & edging system. The Gamma is easy to learn, simple
to operate, incredibly fast and accurate. The tracing module
provides automatic clamping and stylus insertion and traces
frames and lenses in less than 20 seconds! A and B, as well as
frame curve and tilt are recorded in true 3-D form. These
edgers are truly the easiest and most consistently accurate
systems we have ever distributed. This system comes complete
leap adapter, high power submersible coolant/ filtration
system and accessories.
Weco C-91 Lens Edger
Weco Model C-91 Three Wheel Fully Automatic "All
Material" Diamond Bevel Edger complete with lens polishing feature, bevel placement
memory, leap adapter, high power submersible coolant/ filtration system and accessories.
Like New! (CR-39/ Hi-Index/ Polycarbonate Capable)
Last of the "high performance PATTERN
Weco 2440 Lens Edger
Weco 2440 classic in excellent condition, total
mechanical go-over, includes high power coolant system and accessories, edges: Poly
Carbonate, High Index and Hard Resin lens materials with a surface finish superior to
competitive edgers and routers.
Weco 440 classic in excellent condition, total
mechanical go-over, includes high power coolant system and accessories, edges: High Index
and Hard Resin lens materials with a surface finish superior to competitive edgers and
Weco 461-S classic in excellent condition,
mechanical go-over, includes high power coolant system and accessories, edges: High Index
and Hard Resin lens materials with a surface finish superior to competitive edgers and
National Optronics Horizon II cuts all shapes, sizes and powers
of CR-39, Polycarbonate and Hi-Index lenses without changing
cutters. Carbide blades cut instead of grind, so there is no
rounding of the bevel. Standard cycle time is less than one
AIT Grande Mark, good condition, gone over
mechanically by POM, edges: Glass, High Index and Hard Resin lens materials. Complete w/
coolant system and accessories.
EdgeMaster II All Material
with electric chucking, good condition, gone over mechanically by POM, edges: Glass, Poly Carb, High Index and Hard Resin lens materials. Complete w/ coolant system and
EdgeMaster II All Material
with manual chucking, good condition, gone over mechanically by POM, edges: Glass, Poly Carb, High Index and Hard Resin lens materials. Complete w/ coolant system and